Hearing Aid Selection
In addition to all the tests completed with the hearing assessment that tell us the pattern and degree of hearing loss and how well you understand speech in quiet and in noise, we also need to assess:
- Your listening needs – how varied are your listening environments. What kind of noisy situations do you experience.
- Loudness Perception Characteristics – what levels are comfortable and when does sound become uncomfortably loud, for both speech and tones.
If needed, we will also complete a test that determines your Acceptable Noise Level and other determinations of your personal response to qualities of sound. We may complete a test to determine if there are sections of your inner ear that have no usable hair cells, which would result in sounds of some pitches being perceived as noise — which we would want to avoid when fitting hearing aids.
Hearing Aid Fitting
We aim to provide outstanding hearing aid fittings with the highest quality service. Our goal is to help make you an informed and satisfied patient, so you can have the enjoyable lifestyle you deserve.
We use visible Speech mapping to accurately fine tune your hearing aids.
Visible speech allows the audiologist to use actual speech sounds when programming your hearing aids. What this means is that we can now use the sounds that you have been missing to adjust your hearing aids for optimum effectiveness.
By using live voice, either from a family member or friend or a pre-recorded sample, the output of your hearing aids can be visualized on a computer screen for detailed analysis.
Most hearing aids are capable of very discreet adjustments in gain and output. Now with visible speech, these advanced hearing aids can be much more accurately programmed for your specific hearing needs.
What Can I Expect From Hearing Aids?
- Hearing in quiet and in moderate noise will be improved.
- Hearing in noise will not be as good as hearing in quiet.
- Hearing in loud noise should be no worse than without hearing aids.
- Soft speech will be audible, conversational speech comfortable, and loud speech not uncomfortable.
- Whistling (feedback) will be kept to a minimum.
- Hearing aids should cause no discomfort.
- Your own voice will be acceptable.
When We Fit New Hearing Aids, We Promise To:
- Help you have appropriate expectations depending upon the amount of damage your ear has sustained and the various listening environments you experience (keep in mind, you will not hear better than people who have normal hearing).
- Help you through the adaptation process. You should gradually become accustomed to normal sounds, and not notice sounds that are unimportant in your daily activities.
- Ensure your comfort. You should be able to wear your hearing aids all day, every day without discomfort.
- Help you achieve adequate loudness without having the hearing aids whistle (feedback) or having sounds become uncomfortably loud.